Dr. Simon Breakspear - Teaching Sprints
Dr. Simon Breakspear speaking about Teaching Sprints at the uLead conference in 2019.
In our first episode we bring your a break out session with Dr. Simon Breakspear from the 2019 uLead conference in Banff, Alberta. You will hear Dr. Breakspear talk about developing teacher expertise and ways he suggests planning professional development to maximize impact on teacher learning.
Dr. Breakspear is known internationally for helping educational leaders navigate complex change, harness research evidence and drive continuous improvement for better learning. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Agile Schools. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales, and Research Fellow of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Education University of Hong Kong.
For more information on Dr. Breakspear and Teaching Sprints, you can visit the Teaching Sprints website or follow Simon on Twitter.
For more information on Dr. Breakspear and Teaching Sprints, you can visit the Teaching Sprints website or follow Simon on Twitter.
If you like this episode, why don’t you consider joining us at uLead this coming year in Banff? You can get more information and register at uLead.ca